Monday, November 19, 2007


While global warming is such an important subject in todays world, there are few things to consider. Who is responsible? Since only a some individuals care about keeping our world green and few companies are willing to spend the extra time and money improving emission and waste control, the government is responsible. In my paper i will show many reasons with support showing that the government should take a stand on global warming because the general public and businesses have constantly shown an unwillingness. I will show a counter argument saying that how even though the government may be the one to help global warming, we the people can still do things to help and improve our environment. I will finish my argument by saying which candidates in the upcoming election show the most willingness and ability to help global warming.

Reason 1: The US is the second most emitter of CO2, behind china

Reason 2: The government needs to impose regulations and laws. Limiting the amount of emissions, improving waste disposals, and improving technology will allow safer and fewer emissions. First, the right people must be elected in order to make a change, whether it be state or national government.,2933,232219,00.html

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Global warming refers to the increase in the Earths surface temperature. Over the past decades, the average earths temperature has been slowly increasing. Increasing temperatures cause the sea level to rise and also cause more severe weather. This is due to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gases are water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and ozone. Most of these are the products of the fossil fuels that we burn. With few restraints, and the constantly increasing of emissions, few know who to blame
The topic of discussion is global warming and who to blame. The stand that i am going to take is that corporations are responsible. In support to this claim, i will research the emissions of greenhouse gases that are causing global warming, and facts showing the either the amounts or percentage that they contribute. With the new elections coming up, global warming is an important topic. Candidates views about whose to blame, and how to change it is important to most all voters.